US Institutional Investors to Discuss Africa Co-Investments Following Obama Africa Trip

28 August 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
Africa Investor (Sandton)
press release

Africa investor (Ai), a leading international investment and communications group, today announced that US pension funds and other institutional investors will engage in discussions around investing in Africa at the Africa investor CEO Institutional Investment Summit 2015, taking place on the 24th-25th of September 2015 at the Thomson Reuters offices on 195 Broadway in New York, USA.

The Summit will be held alongside the UN General Assembly Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Participating institutions at the Summit will include leading firms such as the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA); the World Pensions Council; OPIC; IFC Asset Management; TIAA-CREF; the Retirement Fund of the City of Dallas and the New York State Common Retirement Fund, amongst many others. Pension fund leaders from across Africa will also join the discussions.

Hubert Danso, CEO and Vice Chairman of Africa investor, said, "Africa is set to see the highest global growth in the coming years and, coupled with Ai Research that estimates Africa's pension fund assets are set to exceed US $7 trillion by 2050, this holds exciting possibilities for Africa's untapped capital market and private equity investment opportunities." Commenting on the Ai CEO Institutional Investment Summit, Danso said; "For Africa to realise its economic potential, it is critical that long-term industries, such as infrastructure, energy and transport, provide the groundwork for private equity market growth and job creation in Africa.

We are therefore delighted to convene this first US and African long-term institutional investment leaders meeting, following President Obama's Africa trip, which highlighted Africa's economic and entrepreneurship potential. This Ai Summit will engage the US and African institutional investment community in co-investment opportunities that will support both the
US and Africa's economic growth."

The Ai CEO Institutional Investment Summit will be held on the 24th-25th of September 2015 at the Thomson Reuters offices, 195 Broadway, New York. Ai Summit partners include the World Pensions Council, the Institutional Limited Partners Association, the African Pension Fund Network and the African Securities Exchanges Association, amongst other prestigious

To register, please contact Precious Nkandu at or +27 11 783 2431.

For more information on the Ai CEO Institutional Investment Summit, contact Catherine Wright on +27 11 783 2431 or

About Africa Investor - Africa investor is a specialist investment and communications firm advising governments,international organisations and businesses on strategies for capital market and foreign direct investments in Africa. Africa investor publishes Africa investor, the leading international newsstand magazine for Africa's investment decision makers; maintains the Africa investor 40 Investors' Index, hosts the Ai CEO Institutional Investment Summit & Awards and the Africa investor CEO Infrastructure Investment Summit & Awards, among other events.

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