African Infrastructure Investment Awards 2016 Shortlist Announced by Africa investor (Ai)

11 April 2016
Content from a Premium Partner
Africa Investor (Sandton)

Africa investor (Ai), a leading international investment and communications group, has today announced the shortlist for its 9th prestigious Africa investor (Ai) Infrastructure Investment Awards 2016.

The Ai Infrastructure Investment Awards are a unique platform for infrastructure investors and governments in Africa’s fast-growing infrastructure sector to gauge and compare their performance and achievements. The 2016 Ai Awards will showcase African public and private sector project investment innovations and the growing international competitiveness of African infrastructure as an investible asset class.

The prestigious, highly sought-after Ai Infrastructure Investment Awards formally recognise achievements across the main infrastructure sectors in Africa and reward the institutions and personalities driving transactions and improving the continent’s infrastructure investment climate.

See below for the full shortlist.

Commenting on the release of the shortlist, Hubert Danso, CEO and Vice Chairman of Africa investor, said; “African infrastructure as a competitive and investable asset class continues to grow in stature as a consequence of the investments and projects championed by our shortlisted candidates. As Africa investor, we are delighted to provide this platform to assist in raising Africa’s infrastructure investment profile worldwide. We applaud our candidates and wish all of them the best of luck with their entries.”

The Ai Infrastructure Investment Awards will take place during the 9 th annual Ai CEO Infrastructure and Sovereign Investment Summit, which is the calendar event and premier business development forum for institutional infrastructure investors, pension and sovereign wealth funds, infrastructure fund managers, financiers, project developers, project sponsors and PPP policy makers. The Ai CEO Infrastructure and Sovereign Investment Summit and Awards will take place on the 10 th of May 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa.

For more information on these events, or to register, please contact Precious Nkandu at or on +27 11 783 2431.

Ai Infrastructure Investment Awards Shortlist 2016

1. Ai Power Deal of the Year



International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Scatec Solar

Dedisa Peaking Power

Symbion Power

Tropical Power Energy Group

Mainstream Renewable Power

Nava Bharat Ventures (Maamba Collieries)


2. Ai Transport Deal of the Year


Rift Valley Railways

Uganda National Roads Authority

Nautic Africa

African Development Bank

Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA)

Vale (Brazil)/Mitsui (Japan)

Transnet National Ports Authority

GE Transport

Bolloré Africa Logistsics

3. Ai ICT/Telecoms Deal of the Year

IHS Towers





Dimension Data/Naspers

MTN Group

SKA Organisation

PTA Bank


4. Water Deal of the Year

Water Utilities Corporation, Botswana

Moshi Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (MUWSA)

European Investment Bank (EIB)

Athi Water Services

National Power and Drinking Water Office (ONEE), Morocco

Hima Cement, Rwanda


African Water Facility

Department of Water and Sanitation/uMgeni Water

Rand Water

5. Ai Social Infrastructure Deal of the Year


African Integras

Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA)

ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID)

The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA)

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Centum Investments

Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)

GE Healthcare


6. Oil and Gas Deal of the Year


Tullow Oil/CNOOC/Total


Azura Power

Gigawatt Mozambique

The Blackstone Group



Statoil AS/BG Group

SacOil Holdings

7. Ai PPP Champion of the Year

Bolloré Group

African Integras

Azura Power

Elemi Energy

Intratrek Zimbabwe


Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

Platinum Power

Spitz Healthcare Investments

Mota-Engil Africa

8. Ai Infrastructure Fund of the Year

Meridiam - Infrastructure Africa Fund

Harith General Partners - Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund II

Convergence Partners - Communication Infrastructure Fund (CPCIF)

Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Managers - Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Fund

African Infrastructure Investment Managers - African Infrastructure Investment Fund 2

Futuregrowth - Infrastructure & Development Bond Fund

Berkeley Energy - Africa Renewable Energy Fund (AREF)

Stanlib - Africa Direct Property Development Fund

Investec Asset Management - Investec Africa Private Equity Fund 2 (IAPEF 2)

The Blackstone Group - Blackstone Energy Partners II

9. Ai Infrastructure Regulator of the Year

National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), Kenya

Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Kenya

Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA)

Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA), Tanzania

National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA)

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)

Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC)

Commission de Régulation du Secteur de l'Electricité (CRSE), Senegal

Ethiopian Railways Corporation

CNELEC, Mozambique

10. Ai Bank Arranger of the Year


Standard Bank

Standard Chartered Bank

Banque Misr

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking

Investec Power and Infrastructure


Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)

Credit Suisse

Barclays Africa

11. Ai Legal Advisor of the Year

Fasken Martineau

Norton Rose Fulbright

Hogan Lovells

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Baker & McKenzie

Allen & Overy

Bowman Gilfillan

DLA Piper

Clifford Chance

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

12. Ai Advisor of the Year

Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC)


KPMG Project Advisory



HCF International Advisors

Grant Thornton

InfraPPP Advisory Services

Barclays Africa


13. Ai Pension Fund Infrastructure Investment Initiative of the Year

National Social Security Fund (Tanzania)

Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP) (Norway)

PensionDanmark/PKA/Pædagogernes Pensionskasse (PBU)

Safaricom Staff Pension Fund

Nation Media Group’s Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme/Kenya Power and Lighting Company

Pension Fund

Telkom Retirement Fund

Transnet Pension Fund

Eskom Pension and Provident Fund (EPPF)

National Social Security Fund (Uganda)

Sentinel Mining Industry Retirement Fund

14. Ai Sovereign Wealth Fund Infrastructure Investment Initiative of the Year

Oman State Government Reserve Fund

Fonds Souverain d'Investissements Stratégiques (FONSIS), Senegal

Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA)

China Investment Corporation (CIC)

Investment Corporation of Dubai


Government Pension Fund Global Norway


Fundo Soberano de Angola (FSDEA)

Crystal Ventures Fund, Rwanda

15. Ai Regional Infrastructure Investment Initiative of the Year

Southern African Development Community

LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority

Kenya Railways Corporation

Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organisation (ALCO)


Ethio-Djibouti Joint Ministerial Council

ACE Cable Consortium


African Development Bank

Africa Speed Rail

16. Ai Capital Market Infrastructure Investment Initiative of the Year

Government of Kenya

City of Dakar

Government of the Ivory Coast

African Development Bank

Ekurhuleni Municipality

Gaia Infrastructure Partners

ICBC/Standard Bank

Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)

Government of Rwanda

International Mining & Infrastructure Corporation

For more information on Africa investor, contact Catherine Wright on +27 11 783 2431 or .

About Africa investor -

Africa investor is a specialist investment and communications firm advising governments, international organisations and businesses on strategies for capital market and foreign direct investments in Africa. Africa investor publishes Africa investor, the leading international newsstand magazine for Africa’s investment decision makers; maintains the Africa investor 40 Investors’ Index, hosts the Ai Index Series Summit & Awards and the Africa investor Infrastructure Projects Summit & Awards, among other events.

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