Third Africa for Results Forum On "Mobilizing Domestic Resources for Africa's Transformation"

19 July 2016
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

In collaboration with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), the African Community of Practice (AfCoP) - whose secretariat is hosted by the African Development Bank (ADB) in the ORQR department - organized the third Africa for Results Forum in Nairobi, Kenya from July 13-15, 2016. The forum was opened by Samson Machuka, Director of the planning department, representing the Minister of Devolution and Planning of Kenya.

This third Afrik4R forum gathered more than 112 people including decision makers, leaders, scholars and practitioners from public and private sectors as well as civil society organizations who are involved in development. Under the theme of Domestic Resources Mobilization (DRM) and Managing for Development Results (MfDR), the objectives of the meeting were:

To discuss key issues, opportunities and challenges regarding domestic resource mobilization in Africa and how the MfDR principles can be used to advance DRM;

To share and discuss innovative practices, solutions and mechanisms in mobilizing domestic financial resources in Africa;

To formulate policy recommendations and mechanisms for exploiting regular and innovative sources of domestic resources and

To identify key actions and policies to advance the AfriK4R agenda through domestic resources mobilization and the contribution of the AfCoP Community to DRM.

This event has allowed high-level executives among 4700 AfCoP members as well as non-AfCoP members to share individual and collective experiences on the topical issue of domestic resource mobilization. A number of recommendations were made to improve performance in this area by using MfDR's tools and principles. It was an opportunity to recognize what works and what does not work in Domestic Resource Mobilization in Africa. It is expected that each participant is committed to promoting the use of MfDR's tools and principles in his/her country.

The third Afrik4R forum was a success given the quality of the speakers and the attainment of the expected objectives. As stated by the representative of the Kenyan Minister of devolution and planning, expertise gathered around the theme of this year attests of the importance and willingness of Africa to improve its performance in development.

The report on the state of the development of results-based management in the regions of COMESA and WAEMU are available on the link below:

  • Afrik4R WAEMU Report FR
  • AfriK4R COMESA Report FR
  • AfriK4R COMESA Report EN

For information on the AfriK4R initiative and AfCoP, please visit the AfCoP website:

On AfCoP

Launched in 2007, the African Community of Practice (AfCoP) is a coalition of over 4,000 development leaders and practitioners from 68 countries globally. Its objectives are to share lessons learnt, experiences and best practices on Managing for Development Results (MfDR) in Africa. AfCoP members work for African governments, civil society, and as independent experts in the field. The African Development Bank (AfDB), in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), is supporting AfCoP in mainstreaming MfDR on the continent.

On AfriK4R

The Africa for Results (AfriK4R) initiative which was initiated in 2012 is the AfCoP's flagship program. It aims at promoting regional integration in Africa through an approach of public finance management based on managing for development results (MfDR) principles and practices. To date, 18 countries have committed to the AfriK4R initiative, namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cote d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The WAEMU and COMESA regional economic communities are also partners on the AfriK4R initiative.


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