goAfrica – Present Purpose and Future Aims

23 September 2016
Content from a Premium Partner
goAfrica (Cairo)
press release

Expansion of manufacturing, agricultural and fishing activities, coupled with young, fast-growing populations, indicate that African nations are now poised to take significant strides in developing the productivity of their enterprising, human capital. goAfrica proudly presents itself as a facilitator in working towards this goal. Our new, state-of-the-art B2B, online, trading platform simplifies and assists in the process of buying and selling products, services and advertising throughout Africa and the world. goAfrica’s purpose is to promote overall African economic and social interaction through a sophisticated technology tool that reaches out, equitably, to the isolated village farmer, the urban entrepreneur / professional, manufacturing and the worldwide business community.

Planning forward, goAfrica expects to develop subsidiary platforms focusing on sectors such as education, health, sports, arts, music, and storytelling, to name just a few. In addition, goAfrica is already in discussions with several African national governments concerning the creation of specific goAfrica platforms to provide an individual, virtual “National or State Mall” for each country to showcase their respective Ministries’ and commercial activities. This platform will also include various associations such as Bankers, Insurance and Manufacturing Associations and Chambers of Commerce. Finally, it will also showcase the various supra-national agencies of relevance to Africa.

goAfrica is not just about buying and selling. It is also about sharing information, ideas, interests, networks, stories and all the activities of daily life. With the goAfrica Group platforms, we wish to create a vibrant, online, social community much like an African marketplace or bazaar. goAfrica can be the

digital representation of such a community and offer our African users the chance to interact globally. For non-African users, it could facilitate better understanding of the individual nations comprising the African continent and offer a more effective means of communicating with the African participants.

Ultimately, we hope that both Africans and the rest of the world will come to rely on our goAfrica platforms to be able to meet most of their informational and contact needs concerning the principal activities of this extraordinarily vibrant continent, whatever such needs may be!

Michael Dobbs-Higginson


goAfrica Holdings Pte., Ltd.

12 th September, 2016

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