What Does Leaving No One Behind in Africa Actually Look Like?

14 May 2018

Dakar hosted the fourth session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) from 2 to 4 May 2018 on the theme: "Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies"

As a prelude to the forum, an interactive workshop on the theme: "What Does Leaving No One Behind in Africa Actually Look Like ?" was organised on 2 May by the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) in collaboration with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the United Nations Foundation (UNF). The workshop accorded African Governments the opportunity to take a practical and in-depth look and learn more about one of the principles of Agenda 2030 "Leaving No One Behind".

This interactive workshop brought together practitioners, policy makers and researchers who are working to fully comprehend the concept of "Leaving No One Behind in Africa" and subsequently seeking concrete solutions to the challenges faced in the design of development policies that also targets the disadvantaged.

In her welcoming remarks, the Director of IDEP invoked the mandate of the IDEP and its direct links to the objectives of the interactive workshop. In his follow-on remarks, the representative of the Government of Senegal thanked the United Nations for choosing Senegal to host this major event and proceeded to present the policy initiatives and significant progress registered by the Government of Senegal in targeting the most disadvantaged.

The workshop was composed of four major sessions, the first of which focused on how the concept of "No one left behind" is supported by plans and policies of African Governments.

The next two sessions were more intense and dedicated to lessons learnt from the policies put in place and their impacts on the most disadvantaged as well as obstacles to reaching the most remote areas and how to get around them.

In the discussions, participants raised obstacles they were facing including: urbanization and access to decent jobs; the strengthening of capacity through quality education; social inclusion; gender and youth empowerment; financing and the management of resources by countries.

In the last session, participants shared ideas on potential partnerships and other joint efforts for reaching the poorest.

In conclusion, participants observed that it is possible to achieve shared economic growth by implementing appropriate policies aimed to create and distribute wealth, and tackle inequalities.

A series of other workshops were also held as a prelude to the main forum, whose official opening was on 3rd May 2018 at King Fahd Palace, Dakar.

Access more pictures of the day via this link -> https://bit.ly/2Kvok9B


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