CCA's Increasing Capital Flows to Africa Conference: Feb 26

26 January 2004
press release

The Corporate Council on Africa is hosting the Increasing Capital Flows to Africa Conference on Thursday, February 26, at Citigroup's offices located at 388 Greenwich Street, New York, N.Y.

The objectives of the conference are to:

  • Attract foreign direct investment to Africa;
  • Highlight key viable financing opportunities in Africa; and
  • Provide a platform for financiers to meet sponsors of projects in Africa.
  • Conference participation will include:

  • U.S. financial institutions operating in Africa and other institutions interested in expanding operations in Africa;
  • Investment and commercial banks, equity fund managers, brokerage houses, private insurance and asset management companies;
  • Businesses involved in infrastructure, manufacturing, financial services, trade and related activities; and
  • Representatives of U.S. and African governments and international institutions such as the United Nations Development Programme, World Bank...and initiatives and organizations such as the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the African Union, etc.
  • For additional information and/or to register for the conference, please visit

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