Corporate Council on Africa's Oil & Gas Forum to Examine the World's Largest Unexplored Energy Frontier

1 November 2005
press release

Washington, DC — There is no better time than now to discuss the world's largest unexplored energy frontier. Africa offers what is potentially the next major economic growth point in the world, based on strategic energy supplies and other natural resources. CCA's annual Africa Oil & Gas Forum attracts U.S. and African executives and government officials in the energy field. Participants from around the world will have the opportunity to discuss issues directly with country ministers and corporate executives with field experience. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Secretary Samuel Bodman is expected to participate.

Plenary sessions and workshops topics* will address:

- Public-Private Partnerships in the Oil and Gas Sector: How Effective?

- Local Content: Opportunities for Progress

- Asia's Growing Presence in the African Oil and Gas Sectors

- Emerging Opportunities in the Libyan Oil and Gas Market

- The Outlook for Energy: A 2020 Year View: How does the impact of Hurricane Katrina alter the energy landscape?

- Changing platforms: LNG supply from Africa

* This list is not all-inclusive. Other workshops, particularly region-specific will also be part of the program.

The future of energy is in Africa. The 2005 Africa Oil & Gas Forum will provide updates on one of the hottest place in the world for oil and gas exploration today.

When: November 29-December 1, 2005

Where: The Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC.

Registration: Online at

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