Ecowas Congratulates Togolese Authorities for Setting Up an Inclusive Governemnt

29 May 2010
press release

Abuja - Nigeria — ECOWAS has learned with considerable satisfaction of the appointment by the signing of a Decree on Friday, 28 May 2010 by His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, President of the Togolese Republic, which sets up an inclusive Togolese Government.

The inclusive government has come after long and arduous negotiations between the Government and the main opposition party, the UFC. ECOWAS is pleased with this outcome which is in line with its earlier plea for reconciliation and inclusiveness made since the last Presidential election. It is the expectation of the ECOWAS Commission that the new development will now put behind all Togolese the rancour and bitterness of the past and rather uphold the supreme interest of the Togolese people as from now as well as place the nation above all other considerations.

On behalf of the Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority, His Excellency Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, therefore, the ECOWAS Commission would like to congratulate President Faure Gnassingbé for the bold move. It also commends the leadership of the UFC for its acceptance and co-operation. It is also the hope of ECOWAS that this decision, which is proof of the maturity of the Togolese political leadership, will be supported by all stakeholders. It will no doubt contribute to the return of the country to normalcy and thereby enable Togo to regain its rightful status in our region, on the continent and in the world community.

The ECOWAS Commission hereby appeals to all Member States and ECOWAS Partners in the International Community to resume normal relations with the Togolese Republic as soon as possible and also engage the authorities of Togo in the effort to contribute to the full socio-economic recovery of that country. As a sign of a return to a full democratic setting, and at the request of the Togolese authorities, the ECOWAS mission of the Special Envoy of the President of the ECOWAS Commission will be brought to end by 30 June 2010.

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