ECOWAS Moves to Harmonize Labour Laws in West Africa

21 March 2012
press release

Lome - Togo — The ECOWAS Social Dialogue Forum has ended its Bureau's meeting in Lome, Togo called to finalize the terms of reference for the recruitment of a consultant for the harmonization of Labour Laws in the region, to facilitate the implementation of the ECOWAS Labour and Employment Policy.

The meeting held 12-14 March 2012, also reviewed the status of implementation of the Forum's triennial Work Plan and discussed activities for 2012. Speaking during the opening ceremony, ECOWAS Commissioner for Human Development and Gender, Dr. Adrienne Diop, said the meeting was crucial to socio-economic life of the region and would facilitate economic integration. She explained that harmonization of labour laws would not only foster job creation, especially for the youth, it would also guarantee social peace and better working conditions in the region.

The draft terms of reference for the recruitment outlined activities to be undertaken by the consultant as part of the implementation of the ECOWAS Labour and Employment Policy. Essentially, the harmonization of the labour texts in the region is aimed at providing a favourable work environment, particularly for migrant workers, with a view to boosting productivity and fostering development in the ECOWAS region.

The objective is to further strengthen and consolidate labour policies/regulations in the ECOWAS region. The Chairman of the Bureau Mr. Koku Atadi said the support of the ECOWAS Commission was indispensable to the effective functioning of the Forum. He expressed the hope that adequate resources would be deployed for the effective translation of the Forum's Work Plan into action and requested a speedy set-up of the Forum's Permanent Secretariat to facilitate the realization of its objectives.

The ECOWAS Commission is required to take necessary measures to build the Bureau's capacity, especially by supporting exchange of best practices with similar organizations. Speaking during the closing ceremony, Togo's Minister of Labour and Social Security, Mr. Ninsao Gnonfam, reaffirmed the determination of regional leaders to promote decent work for the community citizens and for social protection. He expressed Togo's support for the Bureau and called on participants to be innovative in their work so as to attract Foreign Direct Investments.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of international labour/employment stakeholders including the International Labour Organization (ILO).

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