Shortlist for AfDB Ehealth Award Selected

2 October 2012
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The shortlist of candidates for the AfDB eHealth award has been selected by a technical committee composed of international experts from African countries and international organizations.

Launched by the African Development Bank on April 19, 2012, the award recognizes the current work being done in the fields of e- and m-health in Africa. It aims to encourage the production and sharing of knowledge on eHealth solutions and provide added value through the sharing of lessons learnt in e- and m-health.

One hundred and sixteen high-quality proposals were received and reviewed by the expert panel.

The proposals were evaluated according to a range of criteria that included their potential in improving health services in Africa, their innovativeness and effectiveness, whether there is a potential demand for the innovation and whether it can be replicated or scaled-up.

The 40 teams and individuals shortlisted will have to submit a full proposal by November 4, at which point the committee will select 10 winners and 10 honourable mentions.

The eHealth Award is part of AfDB's new Human Development Strategy, which includes investments in ICT for better governance and service delivery, particularly in health. The AfDB recognizes that Africa's impressive information revolution is enabling ICT innovations to potentially deliver more services for the money, and to deliver them to populations that previously had little or no access.

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