Bank Reiterates Its Commitment to Help Tunisia Achieve Sustainable Development

20 February 2014
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

On 19 February 2014, Mehdi Jomaa, head of the Tunisian government, and Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), met to discuss how to strengthen efforts to bring about sustainable development in Tunisia.

Kaberuka took the opportunity to reiterate AfDB support for the Tunisian government to adopt the new constitution. When this constitution was promulgated on 7 February 2014, AfDB hailed Tunisia and its leaders for their commitment to the path of dialogue and consensus.

At that time, Kaberuka said that the new political developments were "good news for Tunisia and for Africa, and they will help restore the confidence of economic operators both inside and outside the country." The Bank had also reiterated its commitment to supporting Tunisia's transformation towards more inclusive growth.

During the meeting, Kaberuka also expressed AfDB's gratitude to Tunisia for its hospitality since the Bank had temporarily relocated there in 2003.

Following the events of January 2011, AfDB has committed more than 2.4 billion dinars, or roughly USD 1.5 billion, to Tunisia for new projects and programmes. This brings Bank support to Tunisia since 1967 to more than 13 billion dinars (USD 8 billion) thus making it the second-most highly funded country in the Bank's history.

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