Mauritania Collaborates With ECA and Morocco for Better National Account Accuracy

2 June 2017

Rabat — A delegation from the Mauritanian national statistics office (Office National de la Statistique, ONS) initiated today a field trip to its Moroccan equivalent, the High Commission for Planning. This ECA-backed visit will enable Mauritanian and Moroccan statisticians to exchange their experiences in data collection and processing.

This visit is part of an ECA project carried out in partnership with the Mauritanian and the Moroccan Statistics Institutes to facilitate and speed up the modernisation of Mauritania's annual national accounts. Participants also seek to facilitate the migration of the System of National Accounts towards the new SNA 2008 system, in accordance with recommendations by the UN Statistical Commission.

This study trip will also be an opportunity of the Mauritanian and Moroccan teams to exchange their experiences regarding methods and practices used to compile data on national accounts and on sectors such as fisheries, the informal economy and the public administration sector.

"This study trip is taking place as part of the South-South cooperation programme promoted by the ECA office in North Africa. Our ambition is for other countries to take part in this exchange in order for North Africa countries to mutually strengthen their skills in the statistical field", said Omar Abdourahman, interim Director of the ECA office in North Africa.

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