ECA Capacity Building Effort in Mauritania Focuses On Livestock and SDG Related Statistics

20 October 2017

The Economic Commission for Africa completed today a five-day mission in Nouakchott, to provide capacity-building support to Mauritanian statisticians in order to better calculate statistics related to livestock.

The delegation has taken stock of the progress made towards the migration of Mauritania's System of National Accounts (SNA) towards a new base year (SNA 2008), and the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The ECA delegation worked with accountants from the Mauritanian National Statistics office on livestock related accounts and finalised projects initiated in February and March 2017 to improve the collection of data related to fisheries, transport, trade, the administration sector and Non-profit institutions (NPIs). To achieve these objectives, the ECA team worked in partnership with experts from Niger and Morocco.

In addition, the ECA team carried out an analysis of the Mauritanian statistical institutional environment and production processes. Their purpose was to help improve institutional mechanisms and procedures for the production and use of SDG indicators, and contribute to the strengthening of statistical production processes by complementing traditional statistical data sources with new ones including Big Data, to better measure SDG targets and indicators.

This work is to prepare for a national workshop, scheduled to take place in Nouakchott on 11-13 December to help produce a roadmap to strengthen the Mauritanian statistical institutional environment and production processes. This workshop will take place with the participation of official statistics producers, policy makers, and other stakeholders as well as NGOs and experts from various organisations.

Note to editors

ECA is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Its Office for North Africa aims to support the development of seven countries across the sub region (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia and Sudan) by helping them formulate and implement policies and programs that support their economic and social transformation.

Visit for more information about ECA.

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Economic Commission for Africa

Office for North Africa

Tel: +212 (0) 537 548 749


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