Strengthening Africa's Health Systems through Public-Private Partnerships - #14DaysToGo

Strengthening Africa's Health Systems through Public-Private Partnerships - U.S.-Africa Summit 2019
5 June 2019
press release

Washington, DC — As Universal Health Coverage (UHC) takes center stage in Africa’s healthcare industry, many governments are focused on implementing strategic plans to strengthen health infrastructure and increase public and private sector investments. The role of both the public and private sector is increasingly crucial in order to deliver reliable and successful healthcare to all Africans.

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The panel will explore strategies needed to improve and advance effective healthcare products and service delivery systems which will accelerate and increase access to affordable, quality healthcare in Africa. Panelists will discuss successful solutions and partnership models to overcome the industry’s most pressing challenges to UHC. Speakers include:

Dr. Jeffrey Sturchio, President and CEO, Rabin Martin

Lischen Mashishi, Associate Director, Marketing Operations, Alliance & Project Manager, MSD
Rogerio Ribeiro, SVP Global Health Unit, GSK
Dr. Papa Salif Sow, Vice President, Program Development and Management, Access Operations & Emerging Markets, Africa/Geneva, Gilead
Dr. Amit Thakker, Chairman, Africa Healthcare Federation
Angela Wasunna, Vice President, Global Policy, Corporate Affairs, Pfizer Inc.

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