South Africa: Legendary Musician Johnny Clegg Dies

16 July 2019

Cape Town — South African music legend Johnny Clegg has died, aged 66. Clegg, described as one of the country's most celebrated sons, had been fighting pancreatic cancer since 2015.

His manager for 30 years, Roddy Quinn released this statement:

It is with immense sadness that we confirm that Jonathan (Johnny) Clegg, OBE OIS succumbed to pancreatic cancer at the age of 66 on the afternoon of 16 July 2019 at his family home in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Johnny leaves deep foot prints in the hearts of every person that considers him/herself to be an African. He showed us what it was to assimilate to and embrace other cultures without losing your identity. An anthropologist that used his music to speak to every person. With his unique style of music he traversed cultural barriers like few others. In many of us he awakened awareness.

Johnny was born on 7 June 1953 in Bacup, Lancashire England and moved to Johannesburg, South Africa with his Rhodesian mother when he was 6 years old. His exposure to Zulu migrant workers during adolescence introduced him to the culture and music. His involvement with black musicians often saw him arrested during Apartheid.

At the age of 17, together with Sipho Mchunu they formed their first band called Juluka. At the age of 33 in 1986 during the height of Apartheid he partnered with Dudu Zulu to form his second inter-racial band called Savuka. Clegg also recorded several solo albums and enjoyed international success selling out concerts wherever he performed.

Apart from lecturing at the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Natal respectively, Johnny studied anthropology and combined his studies with music.

He was awarded by a number of local and international bodies for his contribution to music and society notably by the French Government in 1991 with a Knight of Arts and Letters, and in 2015 he was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. In 2012 he received the Order of Ikhamanga from the South African government. He was awarded a number of Honorary doctorates by the Universities of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Dartmouth College in the USA and the City University of New York.

He authored and published the book "UkuBuyisa Isidumbu" (1981, Ravan Press), and presented papers on "The Music of Zulu Immigrant Workers in Johannesburg" in 1981 at the Grahamstown International Library of African Music and "Towards an understanding of African Dance: The Zulu Isishameni Style" in 1982 at Rhodes University.

Johnny was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015 but despite fighting cancer continued to tour and perform around the world to pay homage to his fans worldwide.

Johnny is survived by his wife of 31 years, Jenny and their two sons Jesse and Jaron.

His passing has left us numb and we request that the family's privacy be respected during this trying time.

The family will be holding a Private funeral service and we ask you to please respect the families wishes.

There will be a service for public to pay their respects and the details hereof will be announced in due course.

Roddy Quin
Manager, friend and family spokesman

In December 2018, South Africa's musicians performed a moving tribute to Clegg. After his global farewell tour, a fund was also created in his honour to alleviate the education crisis in the country.

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