Uganda: Activist Sentenced for Calling Museveni a 'Delinquent Dicator'

Ugandan activist Stella Nyanzi and president Yoweri Museveni.
2 August 2019

Cape Town — Dr. Stella Nyanzi, a former Makerere University research fellow, has been convicted of cyber harassing President Yoweri Museveni and been sentenced to 18 months in prison, New Vision reports.

The women's rights activist, who once referred to Museveni as "a pair of buttocks", will, however, serve half the sentence due to the nine months she spent on remand. While Magistrate Gladys Kamasanyu found Nyanzi guilty of cyber harassment, she was acquitted of a charge of offensive communication.

In a poem posted the day after Museveni's 74th birthday, Nyanzi accused him of corroding "all morality and professionalism out of our public institutions in Uganda" and suggested that he should have died at birth, writes The Guardian.

While handing down the judgment, Magistrate Kamasanyu slammed the post as vulgar, adding: "The prosecution has with no reasonable doubt adduced thorough evidence that the alleged poem written by you Nyanzi was obscene and corrupts the minds of the young generation. And basing on the fact that on April 16, 2019, you admitted for writing the alleged post, you are therefore found guilty and convicted on the first count," Kamasanyu ruled.

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