African Development Bank Addresses Nascent Electricity Regulator's Special Needs

28 August 2019
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The African Development Bank and the Africa Legal Support Facility (ALSF) joined the government of Mauritius in the launch of the Utility Regulatory Authority's (URA) strategic business plan 2019-2022.

Launched on 15 August 2019 in Ebene, Mauritius, the plan will strengthen the URA's capacity on staffing, tools and other resources to regulate the energy sector effectively.

Working together, the Bank and the ALSF provided technical assistance to the government of Mauritius, including training on regulations for the URA staff and board, developing the business plan, and preparing a gap analysis report on the licensing framework and draft licensing regulations.

Speaking at the event, Farai Kanonda, the Bank's Southern Africa regional operations manager said "the Bank is proud to be a part of this launch and the preceding process, which are in line with the New Deal on Energy for Africa that strives to achieve universal access to energy in the continent. This regulatory framework is one of the instruments that can create an enabling environment for investment in the energy sector for sustainability."

This business plan is premised on the Bank's commitment to support nascent regulators that are on a learning curve, and have particular needs and challenges. These challenges are confirmed by the findings of the Electricity Regulatory Index, in which the URA participated.

"We're delighted to work with these stakeholders who showed commitment in helping us shape and enrich the URA strategic road map, leading us to an exciting phase in the regulation of utility businesses. The URA will now embark on the preparation of its business plans and budget for the 2019-2020 financial year, guided by this strategic plan," said Eunice Potani, chief executive officer of the URA.

This specific technical assistance to the URA of Mauritius is part of a series of targeted support measures that the Bank is planning to provide to nascent regulators throughout the continent as a main outcome of the Electricity Regulatory Index 2018 and 2019.

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