"Knowledge and Innovation Exchange" Launches to Share Information On Covid-19 Responses in Africa's Schools

16 November 2020
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the African Union's International Centre for Girls' and Women's Education in Africa (CIEFFA) will hold a virtual event on 17 November for the launch of a one-stop shop to gather, synthesize and mobilize information about COVID-19 responses in the primary and secondary school systems of 41 African countries.

The Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) Observatory on COVID-19 responses aims to make education systems across the continent more resilient to the impacts of the pandemic. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics will provide technical support to the project.

The virtual event will be attended by African education ministers and representatives of development partners, research institutions, the private sector, foundations, civil society organizations and the media.

The Observatory is part of the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint initiative with Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The goal of KIX is to strengthen national education systems and accelerate progress in developing countries by filling knowledge gaps, increasing access to evidence, and strengthening systems to support the generation and uptake of evidence and innovations in GPE partner countries.

Registration for the launch event is still open. To register please use this link:



To learn more about the KIX Observatory, kindly contact:

Albert Nsengiyumva, KIX Observatory Project Lead, a.nsengiyumva@afdb.org

Raky Gassama, KIX Observatory Coordinator a.i., r.gassamacoly@afdb.org

Ian Kaliwo, KIX Observatory Interim Project Team, KaliwoI@africa-union.org

Media: For queries and interviews schedule, kindly contact:

Stefano De Cupis, Senior Communication Officer, ADEA, s.decupis@afdb.org

Anoziva Marindire, Communications Officer, AU/CIEFFA, au-cieffa@africa-union.org

Kwasi Kpodo, Communication and External Relations Department, African Development Bank, w.kpodo@afdb.org

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