What: Panel discussion
Who: The Governance and Public Financial Management Coordination Office (ECGF) and the Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department (SNFI) of the African Development Bank Group
When: Tuesday 15 December 2020, 10:00 to 12:00 GMT
Where: Virtual
Zoom link: https://afdb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YPttqw5PRmG09x4-q0zFyg
On Tuesday 15 December 2020, the African Development Bank Group will host a webinar on promoting accountability in the use of the Bank's crisis response funds and supporting transparency during the recovery process.
The Bank's response to help regional member countries tackle the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented. It has approved funding of over $2.5 billion, using the crisis response facility and budget support operations as key instruments. Given the scope of this support and its relevance in mitigating the pandemic's health and economic impact on communities, it is important to create awareness on the prudent and efficient use of funds related to COVID-19 expenses.
The Bank considers government officials, audit institutions, procurement oversight bodies, audit firms and civil society organizations - the target audience of the dialogue - as crucial stakeholders in assuring accountability, especially at the country level.
The event also provides an opportunity for the Bank to dialogue with heads of audit and oversight institutions and civil society organizations around innovative accountability mechanisms and our expectations for the audit embedded in the crisis budget support operations.
Interpretation will be available in English and French.
Moustapha Doukoure | Email: m.doukoure@afdb.org
Technical Contact:
Carina Sugden | Chief Governance and Economic Management Officer, | ECGF | Email: c.sugden@afdb.org