Locally Led Action in the Agricultural Value Chain - A Pathway to Climate Adaptation and Resilience

18 January 2021
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

What: Webinar on Locally Led Action in the Agricultural Value Chain: A Pathway to Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Who: African Development Bank and Gobeshona

When: 21 January 2021

Where: https://forms.gle/1ZT2TJjtzLLghNyN9

The African Development Bank invites you to the Gobeshona Global Conference Africa session: Locally Led Action in the Agricultural Value Chain: A Pathway to Climate Adaptation and Resilience.

The session aims to highlight the important role of locally led adaptation action in the agricultural sector, from production, post-harvest to waste management and overall management of natural resources that support the agricultural system.

Specifically, policy makers will share practical examples of laws, policies and incentives they have developed to create an enabling environment for locally led adaptation, while entrepreneurs from the private sector will share information about innovative business solutions that enhance resilience, such as sustainable natural resource management and circular economy models to manage waste from agricultural residue.

Farming communities will also share their experiences on spearheading adaptive agricultural practices, while development partners will discuss financing projects that promote locally led adaptation action as well as innovative forms of climate finance that can be applied to enhance resilience and climate adaptation action.

Moderator: Edith Adera, Principal Climate Change Officer, African Development Bank

Keynote speaker: Anthony Nyong, Director for Climate Change and Green Growth, African Development Bank


Indie Dinala, Project Manager, Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Kafue sub-basin Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, Ministry of National Development Planning, Zambia

Anthony Phiri, District Planning Officer, Kafue Town Council, Ministry of Local Government, Zambia

Gareth Philips, Division Manager, Climate and Environment Finance, African Development Bank

Samuel Rigu, Founder and CEO of Safi Organics, Kenya

Yvonne Odame Nti, Managing Director, Y&M Regeneration Limited, Ghana

If you have any questions regarding the session, please email: climatechange@afdb.org

Media contact: Solange Kamuanga-Tossou, Communication and External Relations Department, African Development Bank

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