The Acceleration of Digitalization in Covid-19 Times

8 February 2021
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

What: Webinar: The acceleration of digitalization in COVID-19 times

Who: Making Finance Work for Africa initiative (MFW4A)/PIFD

When: February 11 at 13.00 GMT

Where: Virtual via Zoom.

Please register here:

As part of the European Investment Bank financial sector program for West and Central Africa,

Making Finance Work For Africa (MFW4A) and the Internationale Projekt Consult (IPC), Horus and Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement Consortium (IECD) are hosting a series of four webinars for banks and microfinance institutions.

The third webinar, The Acceleration of Digitalization in Covid-19 times, will take place on Thursday, February 11th at 13.00 GMT.

The panelists are Christophe Bretagnolle, expert in digitization, PCES, Olivier Bailly-Béchet, CEO of Advans Ghana, and Yann Dumontheil (DG) / Willy Tchiengue (DGA)(m), YUP Management (Société Générale), Sénégal

Participants should gain valuable insights on:

How some successful financial institutions managed to save time by implementing digital financial services, while maintaining an adequate level of security and trust.

How important players in the region are positioning themselves with solutions specifically to increase financial inclusion, promote digital financial transactions, and exchange information and knowledge useful for them and for their clients.

NB: The webinar will be held in French, with simultaneous translation into English.

Media contact:

Solange Kamuanga-Tossou | Communication and External Relations Department| African Development Bank | Email:

Technical contact: Tonie-Mai King-Andrews | Senior Communications Officer, MFW4A, African Development Bank | Email:

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