Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Inclusive Development in Africa Post-Covid-19

8 March 2021
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

What: Webinar

Who: The African Development Bank's African Development Institute


Monday, 15 March 2021, 14:00-17:00 GMT for delegates from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas and the Caribbean.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 08:30-11:30 GMT for delegates from within the Indian Ocean Rim region, including Oceania and Asia

Where: Virtual

On 15 and 16 March, the ADI and its Global Community of Practice (G-CoP) partners will hold a policy dialogue on addressing gaps in the structure and scale of funding constraints to African institutions. These gaps present a challenge to African institutional capacity as regional member countries pursue herd immunity to the COVID-19 pandemic through vaccine procurement and deployment.

The aim of the webinar is to share experiences and synthesize knowledge about how to address longstanding institutional capacity challenges post-COVID-19. Development partners and global and African philanthropies are invited to share their experiences and offer policy recommendations to strengthen capacity in Africa-led institutions.

The recommendations will be disseminated to relevant policymakers in the Bank Group's member countries, and regional stakeholders, to inform their policy responses in Africa.

In addition to ADI, the event's organizers include: the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF); the Association of African Universities (AAU); the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC); the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA); the Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI), and several African think tanks, universities and research organizations.

ADI established the G-CoP in May 2020 to facilitate knowledge synthesis and policy dialogue to inform the short, medium and long-term policy responses of the Bank's regional member countries (RMCs) to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There were five G-CoP webinars in 2020 to address policies that enhance resilience in macro-economic policy management; in food systems and agricultural value chains; in health systems; enhancing transparency and accountability in private and public finance management systems; and financing natural capital for inclusive development in post-COVID-19 Africa.

Register here in advance to attend the seminar via the following links

Zoom: (Click here to join on 15 March; Click here to join on 16 March)

Media contact :

Solange Kamuanga-Tossou | Communication and External Relations Department | African Development Bank | email:

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