Nigeria: Osun 2022 - Peter Obi Rallies Support for Labour Party Candidate

"Vote for Labour Party so that your children can have jobs," Peter Obi says.

The presidential candidate of Labour Party, Peter Obi, has urged the electorate in Osun to vote for Yusuf Lasun, during Saturday's governorship election in the state.

Mr Obi, who made the call during the party's rally on Wednesday in Osogbo, said that it was only Labour Party that could rescue the people from suffering and poverty.

He said that if the party emerged victorious in the governorship election on Saturday, there would be prompt payment of workers' salaries and pension.

"Vote for Labour Party so that your children can have jobs. Vote for people that will work for you.

"We want to change Nigeria and the only way we can change Nigeria is to remove all these people who have put Nigeria where it is for the past 23 years. This is time for them to go.

"They are owing salaries, pensions; and those that are working hard are not being paid, but this will stop once you vote Labour Party on Saturday.

"Vote for Labour Party, vote for the future of your children. Vote for the candidate that will be committed to better Osun State.

"We are going to introduce you to a governor who will be committed to better Osun State, and that is what we want," he said.

Also speaking, the National Chairman of the party, Julius Abure, said that Labour Party was the only party that had a solution to the problem facing the state.

Mr Abure appealed to the electorate to come out en masse on Saturday and vote for the party.

"I want to beg you, no matter the temptation of the money they might want to give you, do not sell your future.

"The reason we had been in trouble over the years is because when they give us part of the money they stole from us, we will still vote for them.

"If you can resist the temptation of not collecting the money, do not take it, but if you cannot resist the temptation, take the money and vote against them", he said.

In his remarks, Mr Lasun, who is the former Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives, said if elected, he would restore the state's economy through agricultural revolution.

The governorship aspirant also said that he would embark on empowerment of women and infrastructural development.

Mr Lasun appealed to the electorate to vote for him and Labour Party.

"By July 16, I know Osun State will vote for me and it will shock them", he said.


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