Rwanda: Kagame Commends Nyamasheke's Resilience and Cooperation

President Paul Kagame has pointed out that for any society to progress, there must be cooperation between those in leadership and the people they serve.

While addressing residents of Nyamasheke District during the third day of the Citizen Outreach Programme on August 27, the head of state said that "cooperation is important, and development can't be achieved without it."

"I want to thank residents of Nyamasheke District for a number of reasons including how to confront challenges, how you work with leaders, and how you played a big role in security. Keep it up," he said.

Nyamasheke is one of the districts that experienced skirmish attacks by FLN militia group back in 2019 killing nine people and injuring several.

The attacks were halted by Rwanda security forces and according to President Kagame, Nyamasheke residents took the lead in that fight, providing useful information to security that helped in defeating the insurgencies.

In the last two meetings with residents of Ruhango and Nyamagabe, Kagame repeatedly asked local leaders to work closely with the people and in Nyamasheke District, he still emphasised that cooperation is key to achieving any targeted goal.

"Cooperation is important and development also requires cooperation. It's what we wish for Nyamasheke residents and the rest of Rwanda."

Nyamasheke District is neighbouring Kivu and Nyungwe and according to the District Mayor, Appolonie Mukamasabo, there is a need for a 104-kilometre road going around the forest.

Kagame also pointed out that the district has a lot of potential based on its geolocation.

"We need to tap into the enormous resources in this district. The government cannot do it alone, neither can the people do it alone. We all need each other for growth," said the president.

Mukamasabo had earlier pointed out the need to relocate people living in high-risk zones and the president responded that there is a national policy that has effectively worked and urged Nyamasheke authorities to exploit it too.

Kagame was last in Nyamasheke in 2017 during the presidential campaign; he reminded residents and thanked them for having voted for him.

"I campaigned here asking you for votes and you really voted for me in big numbers. That implies that I owe you and the debt I have for you is to ensure you have a proper environment for prosperity," he said.


In the previous two destinations, President Kagame put leaders to task to ensure they deliver services to people in time. He even lashed out at those who are slow in taking decisions that impact people's lives.

In Nyamasheke District, the president noted that some people who delay in delivering services may sometimes be seeking a bribe which he condemned and even wondered how someone solicits a bribe from a person in need.

President Kagame's final leg of the Citizen Outreach programme is scheduled for August 28 in Karongi District where he will also address area residents.

Throughout the meetings, the president has been taking time to address people's concerns and individually make follow up on concerns raised by the people so as to get clarity and offer solutions.

He is expected to do the same in Karongi District.

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