Liberia: 'It Is Appropriate'

A statue of President Weah in Clara Town, Monrovia.

Tokpa welcomes US sanction against top GOL officials

Liberia: Bong County Senator Dr. Henrique Flomo Tokpa has hailed the United States Treasury Department for recent sanction imposed on some top government officials in the Country.

Senator Tokpa told the media in Bong County that the sanction is appropriate; maintaining that it is a major contributing action to the fight against corruption in Liberia.

He stated that uncertainty of Investors coming to Liberia is based on the" rampant corruption that continues to eat the fabric of the Nation and further force the ordinary people to live in destitution".

Tokpa, who earlier promised to bring in the Country a Juice Company to Liberia, later declared that the Investors who should have brought the juice company became doubtful due to the "corrupt nature of the country".

He is now pointing at the recent US report on the three top officials as evidence of his statement that Liberia is corrupt thus panicking away Investors.

"I said it before that the reason the juice company did not come to Liberia is because of the high level of corruption. When I said it, people took it as an issue but now you have seen and read the report of the US.

"The United States being the most powerful Country in the World has sanctioned those officials so I think you can now agree with me that the country is corrupt" Tokpa adds.

He stated that some of the counts listed in the sanction release, including the demand for kickbacks have created an unfavorable investment climate in Liberia.

Senator Tokpa believes that there will be more sanctions because of the wanton corruption in the government.

Following the actions by the US, all property and interests in property of the three individuals that are in the US or in the possession or control of the US persons must be blocked and reported to the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign ASSETS Control (OFAC).

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