Nigeria: Atiku's Economic Blueprint - PDP Replies Govt, Says APC Came to Power Without Policy Document

22 September 2022

"Trying to associate the Atiku policy plans with the failed policies of the APC is the comical height of Minister Lai Mohammed's aversion for the truth."

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Campaign Organisation has debunked a claim by the federal government that its presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, copied its version of the economic blueprint.

Atiku had on 14 September presented his economic blueprint at a private sector forum organised by the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industries (LCCI).

In reaction to the presentation, the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, Thursday, described the blueprint as a poor version of the present government's economic strides.

He said Atiku's blueprint did not offer anything new in job creation, infrastructure financing and relationship with the private sector.

However, the PDP campaign organisation, in a swift reaction on Thursday, said trying to associate the Atiku policy plans with the failed policies of the APC-led federal administration is the comical height of Mr Mohammed's aversion for the truth.

"Trying to associate the Atiku policy plans with the failed policies of the APC is the comical height of Minister Lai Mohammed's aversion for the truth," the organisation said.

"It is contempt not just against the PDP and our presidential candidate, but also to the whole nation."

It said the current administration came into power without a single sheet of paper of what could be called a policy document.

Nigerians, according to the organisation, are aware that in both 2015 and 2019, it took the APC six months and three months, respectively to constitute a cabinet, adding, " perhaps the minister might be interested in telling Nigerians if it is also part of the APC manifesto to foot drag in forming a government."

The PDP campaign organisation stated further, "The poor records of the APC in the areas of economic management, jobs creation, education, security and in virtually all spheres of our national life is the reason why there is a lot of anxiety about the 2023 general election.

"Indeed, it needs to be stressed that next year's election will be a referendum on the APC and it is not in doubt that the ruling party in Nigeria will present a global case study of how a political party can lose popular goodwill within a short period of time."

The organisation asked Mr Mohammed to apologise to Nigerians for making the claim.

Read the full statement below:


Lai Mohammed Lied Against Truth and Must Apologize to Nigerians

The Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation has observed with utmost dismay the very poor attempt by the Hon. Minister for Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed to turn truth on its head.

While the minister was making a barren attempt to catalogue perceived achievements of the current APC administration, he did the unbelievable by claiming that the policy documents and proposals espoused by His Excellency Atiku Abubakar, our presidential candidate, are the version of the economic blueprint of the APC.

That is a tsunami of a lie!

To begin with, it has been openly acknowledged that this current administration came into power without a single sheet of paper of what could be called a policy document. Nigerians are aware that in both 2015 and 2019, it took the APC six months and three months, respectively to constitute a cabinet. Perhaps the Minister might be interested in telling Nigerians if it is also part of the APC manifesto to foot drag in forming a government.

It is on record that the first economic recession that the country experienced in 2016, which happens to be our worst economic decline in thirty years, happened primarily because the APC administration applied what can be called a catch-up strategy to the early signals of the recession.

That is why to this day, Nigerians are more agreeable to the fact that the tenure of the APC has been nothing but a sheer waste of time, all thanks to the catch-up economic strategy of the ruling party that has left the people more malnourished, sick and disillusioned.

The poor records of the APC in the areas of economic management, job creation, education, security and in virtually all spheres of our national life is the reason why there is a lot of anxiety about the 2023 general election. Indeed, it needs to be stressed that next year's election will be a referendum on the APC and it is not in doubt that the ruling party in Nigeria will present a global case study of how a political party can lose popular goodwill within a short period of time.

Nigerians of all hues, both the rich and those that are not; the educated and those who are not; the elderly and the young are all witnesses to the scandal that the APC has become in the art of governance. Nigerians are rallied in their frustration with the APC and the promise of a better future that our presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar holds for the country after his victory in the 2023 presidential election.

What Minister Lai Mohammed reeled out as achievements of the APC is a compilation of the reasons why Nigerians have roundly rejected the ruling party. It's nothing but a testimonial of failures. Conversely, what His Excellency Atiku Abubakar presented to the organised private sector in Lagos State last week represents the hopes of a new beginning, which Nigerians eagerly anticipate.

Trying to associate the Atiku policy plans with the failed policies of the APC is the comical height of Minister Lai Mohammed's aversion to the truth.

It is contempt not just against the PDP and our presidential candidate, but also for the whole nation.

Lai Mohammed must apologize to Nigerians for such an insensitive onslaught against truth in broad daylight.

PDP Presidential Campaign Organisation


22nd September, 2022.

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