South Africa: President's Response to State Capture An Insult, Opposition Says - South African News Briefs - October 24, 2022

21 October 2022

Cape Town —  

Democratic Alliance Slams President Cyril Ramaphosa's Response to State Capture

The raft of changes announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in relation to recommendations made by the State Capture Commission is an insult, the Democratic Alliance's Chief Whip Siviwe Gwarube has said. She added that the president is only buying time before the African National Congress's elective conference in December 2022, ENCA reports. The elective conference is a crucial moment for Ramaphosa, who is fighting to maintain his position as ANC president, as well as the country's presidency.

Finance Minister to Present Medium Term Budget This Week

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana will present his medium term budget statement (MTBS) to Parliament on October 26, 2022. The minister is expected to announce relief measures amid the rising cost of living and record unemployment. Labour union Cosatu is also hoping the minister will announce relief measures for power utility Eskom which has been struggling to keep the lights on in the country, Eye Witness News reports.

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