Nigeria: Terror Alerts - Again, Nigerian Govt Urges Citizens to Go About Businesses Without Fear

31 October 2022

Mr Monguno noted that the travel advisories had created unnecessary fear and apprehension among Nigerians.

The Nigerian government has frowned at the travel advisories issued by some embassies to their personnel in Nigeria, urging its citizens and other residents to go about their businesses without fears.

The National Security Adviser (NSA), Babagana Monguno, stated this when he addressed State House correspondents after an emergency security meeting summoned by President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday in Abuja.

Mr Monguno, a retired major general, who addressed the correspondents alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyema and the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Lucky Irabor, noted that the travel advisories had created unnecessary fear and apprehension among Nigerians.

He added that the terror alert was needless as the hype and the sense of insecurity it created were unfounded.

According to him, security and intelligence agencies are not resting on their oars to ensure that all Nigerians and every part of the country remains safe.

"From the time this alarm story came out until now, about a week to 10 days, we can see that so far, the situation has been brought under control.

"The issue of Nigerians being made to panic is unnecessary, the situation in various areas, the federal capital territory, the situation has been brought under control.

"We are trying as much as possible to work with our neighbours and within the domestic situation to work with our foreign partners in a responsible way without giving the impression that Nigeria is stetting on thin ice to explored.

"That has come to dispel any illusion about any sense of heightened insecurity.

"It is false, it is irresponsible for anybody to give that signal. We are working with our foreign partners in a responsible way and Nigerians should go back to their normal daily undertakings without being put in a situation of fear."

Also addressing the correspondents, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Onyeama, called on citizens to ignore the security threat and travel advisory recently issued by the US and UK, and continue with their daily routines.

Mr Onyeama emphasised that the threat and advisory were mainly issued to the citizens of the countries that originated them.

He observed that it had been the norm for US to make such pronouncements to its citizens, as dictated by their constitution, just as she almost simultaneously did in South Africa.

"Nigeria has been engaging the United States (US) on intelligent sharing, " It's been the norm for US to make such pronouncement.

"We engage the US from this, and their response was that they are obliged to put out those kinds of statements, normally travel advisories.

"But in this case, it was an alert, but they said that they were obliged to, for their citizens, and that the advice, you know, the alert was really, for their citizens.

"They do it around the world, as you know, they did it also in South Africa, in this particular case," he said.

Also allaying the fears of Nigerians occasioned by the terror alert, the Chief of Defence Staff said security agencies had been on their toes to thwart all threats.

Those in attendance of the meeting included Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, Secretary to the Government of the Federation; Boss Mustapha; the Chief of Staff to the President, Ibrahim Gambari and the National Security Adviser (NSA), rBabagana Monguno.

The Chief of Defence Staff, Lucky Irabor, Chief of Army Staff, Farouk Yahaya; Chief of Naval Staff, Awwal Gambo; and the Chief of Air Staff, Isiaka Amao also attended the meeting.

Also in attendance were the Inspector-General of Police, Alkali Baba;the Director-General of the State Security Service (DSS), Yusuf Bichi; and the Director-General of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), Ahmed Rufai.

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