Nigeria: Afenifere - Fasoranti Speaks On Adebanjo's Status As Acting Leader

3 November 2022

The group said the endorsement of Mr Tinubu is in the interest of the nation and Yoruba people

The leader of the Yoruba socio-political group, Afenifere, Reuben Fasoranti, has clarified his statement on the leadership of the group, saying Ayo Adebanjo has not been removed as its acting leader.

Mr Fasoranti, who has been criticised after receiving the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Bola Tinubu, on Sunday in his residence in Akure, said he has also not ordered that the group's meeting should revert to his residence.

Reports have quoted him as removing Mr Adebanjo from his position after the latter's outburst against Mr Fasoranti's endorsement of Mr Tinubu on Sunday.

Mr Adebanjo, who had openly criticised the visit, where members of the group endorsed the APC candidate, had alleged that Mr Tinubu's visit was aimed at dividing Afenifere.

Mr Adebanjo has consistently maintained that Afenifere will support the Labour Party candidate, Peter Obi, for the 2023 presidential election on grounds of equity and fairness.

He had argued that all the regions had had a fair chance of ruling the nation and that it was the turn of the South-east.

Mr Fasoranti, in a statement on Thursday by his personal assistant, Adedapo Abiola, said his main concern was "the interest of the Yoruba in the complex political situation in Nigeria."

"It has come to Papa R.F. Fasonranti's knowledge that some sections of the media, especially the social media, have been ascribing to him statements designed to cause confusion and polarise Afenifere," the statement reads.

"I have Papa's permission to say that he has not said that Chief Ayo Adebanjo is no longer the acting leader of Afenifere or that all future Afenifere meetings should henceforth be held at his residence in Akure.

"Papa's main concern is the interest of the Yoruba in the complex political situation in Nigeria. It is also his concern that Afenifere should survive in dignity and remain a purveyor of the interest of the Yoruba race."

Earlier, former General Secretary of the group, Seinde Arogbofa, stated that the allegation that members of the group were compromised to endorse Mr Tinubu was unfounded and untrue.

He said the group's position was in the interest of the nation and the Yoruba people.

He also said the confusion setting in as a result of the visit of Mr Tinubu to Akure on Sunday would be resolved within the group very soon.

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