Kenya: Woman Denies Conducting FGM on Six-Month Old Infant

Knives used for female genital mutilation (file photo).
8 December 2022

Loitoktok — An elderly woman in Loitoktok Sub County has denied conducting female genital mutilation to a six-month old girl.

Beatrice Nasieku who appeared before Loitoktok Principal Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku pleaded not guilty claiming at the time of alleged incident, she was herding her cows away from home.

Nasieku is jointly charged with another not in court of unlawfully causing grievous harm to a minor aged 6 months at Olchoro village in Loitokitok Sub-county, Kajiado county.

Mother to the victim Margaret Makena told the court that on 27th July 2022 at about she left to a nearby market in the neighbouring Tanzania to buy vegetables leaving Alice Saiza, her mother-in-law with the baby girl.

The mother of two added that upon coming back from the market at 10am, she received her child from her mother-in-law and she was at the time crying uncontrollably and her clothes had blood stains.

Upon enquiring Saiza informed her that she took the girl to be circumcised by Nasieku, popularly known in their village as " Kidi " and was a relative to her (Saiza's) husband.

She reported the incident at Loitoktok police station before taking the girl to Loitokitok Sub- County hospital for treatment.

Police later arrested Nasieku as she attempted to escape to Tanzania on learning she was being pursued while her accomplice Saiza is still at large.

Francis Nana, a clinical officer attached to Loitokitok sub-county hospital testified that on the material day, he examined a child aged 6 months who had blood stained clothes and fresh wounds.

Nana added that the victim's mother informed him that the child was mutilated by a person known to her.

The court adjourned the case to 2nd February 2023 when more witnesses will testify. - Kna

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