AllAfrica and Phil John Academy Announce Scholarships for 60 African Women Entrepreneurs in 18 countries

AllAfrica Global Media and PhilJohn Academy are jointly announcing scholarships for 60 young women from 18 countries who will receive training in leadership, entrepreneurship and technology. The objective of this collaboration - the PhilJohn - AllAfrica Women’s Agenda Scholarship (PAWAS) - is to promote female digital inclusion and boost employment opportunities.
16 February 2023
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Dakar — AllAfrica Global Media and PhilJohn Academy are jointly announcing scholarships for 60 young women from 18 countries who will receive training in leadership, entrepreneurship and technology. The objective of this collaboration - the PhilJohn - AllAfrica Women’s Agenda Scholarship (PAWAS) - is to promote female digital inclusion and boost employment opportunities.

PhilJohn Academy is a skills center established by PhilJohn Technologies, an IT company based in Douala, Cameroon. AllAfrica Women’s Agenda is an initiative of AllAfrica Global Media in Dakar to promote the empowerment of women in media and other sectors.

The scholarship winners announced this month will benefit women from Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Togo, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Mauritania, Nigeria, Comores, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, and Morocco. Through PAWAS, the two entities seek to provide young African women opportunities to learn entrepreneurship, gain employment and build a professional career.

“For women to play their role as leaders in the development of Africa, it is essential to reinforce their abilities and provide training opportunities,” says Mrs. Mariama Ba, the AllAfrica director for Francophone Africa. “We welcome the partnership with PhilJohn Academy to carry out this mission.”

Mrs Davida Doumtsop, Chief Academy Officer of PhilJohn Academy says “knowledge is the key to competency: and adds: “The PAWAS program gives young African women the knowledge and skills which can enable them to find jobs or become entrepreneurs and contribute to the sustainable development of Africa”.

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AllAfrica Women’s Agenda (AWA) is an initiative of AllAfrica Global Media, a leading online producer and distributor of Pan African news and information, serving the Africa-interested audience worldwide. AllAfrica’s multi-channel platform including the website remains the only independent, comprehensive continent-wide news source – of, by and about Africa – with unrivaled reach and reputation.

Launched in March 2015, AWA promotes gender equality in development and professional advancement for women across the continent. To mark International Women’s Day, AllAfrica convenes an annual gathering putting a special spotlight on creating opportunities for young women.

PhilJohn Academy is a training center specializing in the preparation of professionals for IT certifications to promote their integration into the job market and entrepreneurship. As the skills center of PhilJohn Technologies, an IT company in Douala, the academy offers training courses to develop knowledge and learning for digital professionals in Cameroon.

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