South Africa: Former President Thabo Mbeki Writes Letter to ANC on Protection of President Ramaphosa

Former South African president Thabo Mbeki (file photo).
31 March 2023

Cape Town — In a letter leaked on social media, former president Thabo Mbeki wrote to Vice President Paul Mashatile, accusing the ruling African National Congress of protecting President Cyril Ramaphosa, by not addressing the theft at the president's Phala Phala game farm in Limpopo Province in 2020. Millions of U.S. dollars were allegedly stolen and not reported to police.

The money stolen were allegedly proceeds from a game auction - a claim later confirmed, then denied by Sudanese billionaire Hazim Mustafa - who paid U.S.$580,000 for buffalo he never received. Once proof of the payment could not be confirmed by the South African Reserve Bank, he denied his involvement. Accusations were leveled against Ramaphosa at the time - accusing him of being in contravention of the country's tax laws. The matter nearly led to his resignation, as calls for his impeachment grew.

This is not the first time that the former president has spoken out. At a Strategic Dialogue Group meeting on October 24, 2022, Mbeki bemoaned criminals leading the ANC, while also questioning Ramaphosa's fate amid the Phala Phala probe, according to News24 .

Secretary General of the ANC, Fikile Mbalula said the national working committee of the party expressed its regret at the leak of the Mbeki letter and said it will in consultation with the ANC national executive committee, seek an audience with Mbeki to address his concerns, the South African Broadcasting Corporation reports.

"The ANC finds it regrettable that a letter from former president Thabo Mbeki, directed at national to ANC has landed in the public domain through a leak. The national officials will discuss the letter and seek an audience from the former President. It is only then that the ANC will consider a commentary on the contents of that letter and discussions with former President Mbeki," Mbalula said.

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