Kenya: Raila's Irreducible Minimums Before Dialogue With President Ruto

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Nairobi — The Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Leader Raila Odinga has issued a raft of demands to the President William Ruto administration ahead of the dialogue.

Odinga who lauded the bi-partisan approach in the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission announced by the President also called for the reinstatement of Cherera Four.

Addressing Journalists at his Capitol Hill Offices, he stated that it was unfair for Juliana Cherera, Francis Wanderi ,Justus Nyagaya, and Irene Masit to be the sacrificial lamb following the 2022 election results tussle.

"We do not want to see the 4 commissioners who had said no to be sacrificed. We want those commissioners to be reinstated so that we can be able to move in as a country in one and a united way," he said.

President Ruto addressed the nation at State House, Nairobi, and suggested that he was ready and willing to engage with Odinga on the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) through a bipartisan approach via Parliament.

Welcoming the move, Odinga called for the speedy initiation of the process to resolve the ongoing crisis in the political arena.

"In our view, this committee must be composed with immediate effect with strict deadlines for resolving the crisis facing the country," noted Odinga.

On the same breath,Odinga demanded that the Director Of Criminal Investigations should halt the arrest of demonstrators during the opposition's protest.

"In accepting the call for dialogue, we ask that all arrests and prosecutions related to our demonstrations be stopped with immediate effect,"he said.

Police in Kisumu and Migori Counties had arrested 14 suspects in connection with violence witnessed during Azimio-One Kenya Coalition anti-government protests.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) in a statement on Saturday said that two of the suspects were allegedly part of the goons who raided Jamii Supermarket.

The duo has already been arraigned at Kisumu Law Courts and the detectives were granted orders to detain them for 10 more days as they continue with investigations.

The other 12 suspects were apprehended in Suna East constituency for reportedly erecting barriers on major highways and extorting money from the public.

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