Senegal: Walf TV Channel Suspended

Protesters set roadblocks in Dakar, Senegal, March 30, 2023.

Walf TV has been suspended for 30 days. It is expected to resume operations on 1 July 2023.

The Ministry of Communication accuses the channel of having covered the clashes between demonstrators and security forces after the conviction of opponent Ousmane Sonko to two years in prison for youth corruption.

The management of the channel and the journalists' organizations are worried.

Source RFi

In a similar engagement, the CEO of the Walfadjri Group was received by the Khalif General of the Mourides in Touba on Saturday.

Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, the Caliph General of the Mourides, took advantage of the visit of Cheikh Niass to offer an envelope of 5 million CFA francs to the Walfadjri Group, whose signal was suspended for a month by the Ministry of Communication.

Walfadjri's general management indicated in a memorandum that "all Walfadjiri Group staff are already on technical unemployment". Worse, "collective redundancies will follow for the survival of the company", informs the same document.

The management justified these measures by "recent events" which "caused "harmful consequences" on the smooth running of (their) activity with the immediate cut of the TV signal" Source: Senegal 7

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