Africa: Afrobarometer Draws Curtain On Round 10 Planning Meeting, Sets Stage For Fieldwork

Participants in the Afrobarometer planning meeting in Big Ada, Ghana, in reparation for the tenth iteration of public opinion surveys in up to 40 African countries.
press release

Accra — Afrobarometer has successfully concluded its Round 10 Planning Meeting in Ghana,setting the stage for the network's next series of surveys expected to be conductedin 40 African countries. The weeklong gathering brought together high-profile policymakers and thought leaders as well as the network's national partners, boardmembers, and International Advisory Council.

Participants formulated strategic plans, exchanged practical insights, and engagedin spirited discussions to enhance Afrobarometer's impact in Africa. The eventbrought together a diverse range of voices and expertise, highlighting a shareddedication to empowering African citizens in shaping policies that promotesustainable development.

Key highlights and takeawaysIn her keynote address opening the meeting, former Liberian President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf, a member of Afrobarometer's International Advisory Council, emphasised theimportance of continuous capacity building for research, analysis, andcommunication across Africa.

"Investing in research and building the capacity of African researchers and policymakers is crucial for evidence-

Afrobarometer CEO Joseph Asunka added, "If democracy is indeed a governmentof the people, by the people, and for the people, then the people's voice and livedexperiences must count in policy and development decisions that affect their lives."

The memorable opening ceremony featured a compelling conversation betweenthe co-founders of Afrobarometer, professors E. Gyimah-Boadi, Robert Mattes, andMichael Bratton. The trio took the audience on a journey, recounting their decision,more than two decades ago, to merge their respective research projects and theremarkable progress made since then.

Days 2 and 3 of the meeting were dedicated to hands-on work on the surveyquestionnaire and implementation planning, beginning with a debriefing of Round 9and an overview of the latest innovations. Participants reviewed and refined newmodules for the Round 10 questionnaire and provided valuable insights for country-specific questions.

Other highlights included:

Empowering data-driven analysis: Afrobarometer's director of analysis led discussionson data analysis and publications. Participants explored innovative approaches tounlock the potential of data-driven research, enabling evidence-based decisionmaking and driving positive change in African societies.

Leveraging communication channels: A session was dedicated to harnessing thepower of communication, particularly through social media platforms, to amplify thevoices of African citizens. Participants explored ways to effectively disseminateresearch findings and engage diverse stakeholders to drive meaningful dialogueand inform policies.

Commitment to quality control: Led by Afrobarometer's head of data management,participants analysed and prepared for quality-control measures to strengthen thedata collection process. Upholding the highest standards, Afrobarometer remainscommitted to delivering accurate and reliable findings that policy makers andstakeholders can trust.

Recognition and networking: The Round 10 Planning Meeting provided an occasionto honour long-serving Afrobarometer staff and national partners.

Members of the Afrobarometer International Advisory Council also convened underthe chairmanship of US Ambassador Johnnie Carson to discuss Round 9 surveyfindings, explore strategies for enhanced global exposure, and sharerecommendations for the launch of Afrobarometer signature products and events.

About Afrobarometer

Afrobarometer (AB) is a trusted source of high-quality data and analysis on what Africans are thinking. With an unmatched track record of 350,000+ interviews in 41 countries, representingthe views of about 75% of the African population, AB is leading the charge to bridge the continent's data gap. AB data inform many global indices, such as the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer, and the World Bank's Worldwide Governance Indicators. The data are also used for country riskanalyses and by credit rating and forecasting agencies such as the Economist Intelligence Unit.

All AB data sets are publicly available on the website and may be analysed free of charge using AB's online data analysis tool.


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