Uganda: Anyone Who Calls Me Dad Is My Child, I Have No Need for DNA - Dr Besigye

A pregnancy test (file photo).

Opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) strongman Dr Kizza Besigye has said that he has no purpose for DNA and does not support the current trend where people are doing DNAs.

The former presidential contender said that he is not happy with the way many people are "jumping" on the DNA craze, adding that such a situation will most likely threaten our family institution.

"I have no purpose to do DNA, anyone who calls me Dad is my child," Dr Besigye said.

"I have a different perspective about children - every child is your child. If you find a kid in trouble you have to give them attention like they were yours," he added.

Dr Besigye argued that such things will most likely affect the state structure, with family being the cornerstone of the state.

"We are in a situation where the family institution is being threatened. There is a breakdown of the social fabric and the collapse of the family is otherwise the collapse of the State."

Meanwhile, the government has ruled that only two laboratories in the country are authorised to carry out paternity DNA testing in the country.

The decision comes at a time when families across the country are seeking to determine biological parentage through DNA analysis.

According to the official ruling, by the government through the Ministry of Health, only two laboratories in the country are approved for carrying out paternity DNA tests.

The accredited labs include the MBN lab along Nakasero Road and the government diagnostics laboratory in Butabika.

According to the minister for health, Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, the move by the government aims to regulate the paternity DNA testing process, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and standardization in the results obtained.

As part of the ruling, all other laboratories are restricted from carrying out such tests or sending DNA samples outside the country to maintain accuracy levels.

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