Liberia: Don't Legalize Killing

-Faith and Justice Network rejects legalization of abortion

Faith and Justice Network (FJN) has rejected proposed legalization of abortion in the country by some Liberian lawmakers.

Speaking in a press conference on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at the Network's head office in 15th Street Sinkor, Monrovia, Regional Executive Director Rev. Dr. Tolbert Thomas Jallah, Jr. said Faith and Justice Network, as a leading advocate for ethical principles and social justice, vehemently rejects the recent bill submitted by a tiny group of misguided Liberian lawmakers to legalize abortion.

He said this ill-conceived move undermines the values for life, compassion, and commitment that Liberia holds dearly.

Rev. Dr. Jallah expresses deep concern over the behavior of those legislators pushing for this bill, and touting it as a step toward progress, noting that progress, however, should never come at the cost of forsaking our core values of compassion, empathy, and respect for life."

He lamented that it is disappointing to witness some lawmakers championing such bill under pretense of progress and modernity.

"Liberians must remember that progress should be grounded in respect for human dignity and human rights, rather than being swayed by external pressures or misguided ideologies."

According to Rev. Dr. Jallah, the proposed legislation fails to consider the profound ethical implications of ending innocent lives and disregarding the emotional and psychological toll that such a decision 'would have on countless individuals and families.

"Abortion is a deep sensitive and complex issue, touching on matters of morality, ethics, and individual rights", he underscored.

He said FJN firmly believes in the sanctity of life and the inherent value of every human being, from conception to natural death, adding that the proposed legalization of abortion contradicts these foundational beliefs and threatens to erode the moral fabric of society.

"Don't Legalize Killing! We emphatically reject any attempt to undermine the sanctity of life and the principles that define our nation's character. We call on all Liberians who value life, compassion, and justice to stand united against this reckless bill. Our nation's strength lies in our shared commitment to upholding the values that define us."

The Network also called on Liberians and all foreign residents, who share such commitment to preserving the sanctity of life and protecting the vulnerable to rally against the ill-advised proposal.

"It is our collective duty to uphold the values that make Liberia a beacon of hope and compassion in the world. Through open dialogue, understanding, and unity, we can find common ground that respects life while addressing the challenges our nation faces", the regional executive director said.

He maintained that Faith and Justice Network will continue to advocate for the protection of life and the empowerment of vulnerable individuals, rallying all to foster a culture of dialogue, understanding, and empathy by seeking solutions that uphold the well-being of all citizens.

"We stand ready to engage in constructive discussions with lawmakers, religious leaders, and civil society organizations to find common ground and work towards a more compassionate and just Liberia", he concluded.

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