Kenya: We Must Stop Corruption in the Country - President Ruto

President William Ruto addressing the crowds (file photo).
24 August 2023

Nakuru — President William Ruto has sent a warning shot to individuals fueling corruption in Kenya.

He said they will either stop the vice or be jailed.

"Kenya is no longer a host to such criminals. If they must continue engaging in corruption, then they must leave the country."

The President regretted that the vice was so rampant that one has to part with money to secure employment in public offices.

"This must stop. It will stop."

He noted that the Government will deal decisely with public servants receiving bribes to serve the people.

"But Kenyans must also stop bribing for services that they deserve if we are to end this ill habit."

He said it was wrong for a family to sell a piece of land for its member to secure a job in military or any other public office.

He was speaking on Wednesday in Rongai, Nakuru County, where he issued more than 1,900 title deeds to the people of Majani Mingi.

In the event, the President also announced the setting up of new land registries in Rongai, Molo and Gilgil.

Present were Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Lands CS Zachariah Njeru, Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika and a number of MPs led by the host Paul Chebor.

The Head of State observed that the establishment of land registries at the grassroots will ease land transactions and bring to an end ownership and boundary disputes.

"These title deeds can also be used as collateral to access loans from financial institutions," he added. - Presidential Communication Service

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