Egypt: Guterres Arrives in Egypt for High-Level Talks, Expected to Visit Rafah Crossing

Aid convoys enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing border in Egypt.

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that he came to Cairo on a peace mission amid very difficult timing that the region has not seen in decades.

During a joint press conference with Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Guterres said that civilians, women, children, and relief workers are the first and most to be the victims of such disaster.

He also emphasized that international law must be respected. "Any attack on any health, educational or United Nations facility is a blatant attack on international law."

Guterres called on Hamas to release the hostages and called on Israel to allow the entry of humanitarian aid. Stressing: "I think both calls are very important."

The UN chief also called for a ceasefire on the basis of providing humanitarian relief and delivering aid, water, food and medicine to the Strip.

He affirmed that "diseases are spreading in Gaza and people are suffering and dying. Civilians in Gaza need quick and urgent medical aid."

"This is cannot be just a one-time aid delivery; it must be a continuing operation. We have to make sure that aid enters safely. I am in Egypt to ensure this." Guterres said.

He added that: "The Gaza crossing and Al-Arish airport are the only two channels enter humanitarian aid into Gaza. Egypt proves to us again and again that it is the only country capable of defusing violence."

Guterres noted that: "the longer the war lasts, the greater the human losses." Explaining that "A ceasefire is an integral part of delivering humanitarian aid."

In his speech, the UN Secretary General said that the world must reach a permanent and urgent solution to the Palestinian cause. Adding: "this will not happen without declaring an independent Palestinian state side by side with Israel."

Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry stressed that the possibility of liquidating the Palestinian cause through the forced displacement of the Palestinian people to other neighboring countries is 'unthinkable' and 'cannot happen'.

During the joint press conference with Guterres, Shoukry said that they discussed the continuing escalations in Gaza and its devastating impact on the Palestinian people.

Shoukry praised the United Nations' call for a ceasefire amid the escalation of the crisis and the fall of thousands of innocent Palestinian victims.

He noted that President Sisi called for the Cairo Summit for Peace, during which "we will work to reach an international solution in line with humanitarian principles to stop the escalation in Gaza."

Shoukry added: "I completely agree with the UN Secretary-General that targeting humanitarian and UN headquarters is a flagrant violation of humanitarian law and must stop immediately."

The FM also stressed on Egypt's keenness that Gaza crossing must operate immediately.

"We are seeking to make the crossing operating again in order to enter the aid to Gaza, despite the continuous bombing by the Israeli side."

Shoukry affirmed that Egypt has always warned against the continuing escalations against Palestinians and lack of regard for international legitimacy.

"We see no alternative solution but for the parties to return to the negotiating table to agree on a two-state solution. We appeal to everyone to listen to the voice of reason and wisdom and stop the escalation in the Gaza Strip." Shoukry said.

He expressed Egypt's appreciation to the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his keenness to be present in person to supervise the crossing of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres arrived in Cairo on Thursday to hold talks with the political leadership.

A Palestinian official told media in Gaza that Guterres plans a visit to the Rafah border crossing to announce the UN plan to send humanitarian aid to the strip.

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