Namibia: Public Warned Against Geingob Funeral Scammers

H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia, and First Lady Sustjie Mbumba, along with H.E. Dr. Sam Nujoma, Founding President of the Republic of Namibia, and Madam Kovambo Nujoma, Former First Lady, came together today to pay tribute to the children and Madame Monica Geingos, Widow of the late President Hage G. Geingob.

The minister of information and communication technology, Peya Mushelenga, has issued a warning against scammers exploiting the name of Namibia's late president, Hage Geingob, to solicit funds from the public.

He announced this while providing an update on the mourning programme for Geingob yesterday.

Mushelenga said reports have emerged of individuals falsely claiming to be collecting funds for Geingob's funeral arrangements.

The president died on 4 February, and a date for his funeral is yet to be announced.

"The government would like to make it clear that it has not assigned anyone to solicit money for the mourning or funeral of the president.

"If anyone approaches you claiming to collect funds . . . please report them to the police," he said.

Police inspector general Joseph Shikongo yesterday said no cases of scamming related to the late president's funeral have been reported to his office so far.

"Those who are attempting to involve themselves in criminal activities must be warned that the long arm of the law will pursue them. Nobody should use the name of the late president to scam others," he said.

Mushelenga said daily memorial services at Geingob's residence, Casa Rosalia, will continue from 18h00 to 20h00 until Friday.

He said there will be no activities over the weekend.

"We want to allow the family to rest."

Mushelenga said the memorial services will be moved to a new location, which is yet to be announced.

He said portraits of Geingob at different institutions across the country should remain hanging until further notice.

Institutions wishing to host private memorial services for their staff members may organise small events, he said.

However, those who want to host large gatherings should obtain permission from the national preparatory committee tasked with the funeral programme.

So far, no international dignitary has confirmed his or her attendance at Geingob's funeral.

Mushelenga said the date of an official memorial service and funeral is yet to be confirmed.

Only close friends of Geingob, including Botswana's president, Mokgweetsi Masisi, have visited Namibia to offer their condolences to the former first lady, Monica Geingos, president Nangolo Mbumba, and the nation.

Masisi this week referred to Geingob as "a dear brother" who genuinely loved his people and Namibia.

He also praised Namibia for its smooth transfer of power, which he said reflected the country's democratic system.

Yesterday, the former president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Joseph Kabila, also extended his condolences to the former first lady.


Namibia's ambassador to the United States has announced that the mission would host a memorial service in Geingob's honour on 10 February.

Several friends of Namibia have already signed a book of condolence.

The chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Moussa Mahamat, paid his respects and signed a book of condolence at the Namibian embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, yesterday.

"Namibia, Africa, the world is united in grief and gratitude for the life of a rare statesman and leader whose courage never wavered," he said.

Diplomats from Cameroon, Botswana, Algeria, Tanzania, South Africa, the AU, Egypt, Lesotho, Niger, Mali, Chad, Angola, Cyprus and São Tomé, among others, signed a book of condolence at the Namibian embassy in Beijing, China.

The Namibian student leadership in China also took the time to sign the book.

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