Youthadapt - Webinar On the Role of Youth in Local Adaptation and Resilience Building

4 March 2024
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)


YouthADAPT: Webinar on the role of youth in local adaptation and resilience building


African Development Bank and the Global Center on Adaptation


6 March 2024; 10 to 11 am GMT


Online. Register here

The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, a joint initiative of the African Development Bank, and the Global Center on Adaptation, will host a webinar on the 6th of March 2024, highlighting the crucial role of youth in propelling locally-driven adaptation efforts across Africa. This webinar will take place on the sidelines of the 4th Gobeshona Global Conference, themed "Monitoring Locally-Led Adaption and Resilience."

The objectives of the session include:-

  • Highlight the transformative impact of youth-led initiatives in addressing climate change impacts, focusing on Africa's climate hotspots, with examples from the YouthADAPT Program.
  • Showcase youth as catalysts for change in combating climate change impacts, emphasizing their pivotal role in driving adaptation and resilience efforts in their communities.
  • Explore effective youth-led approaches and innovative projects from YouthADAPT and other initiatives, aiming to drive local adaptation and resilience efforts.
  • Share diverse strategies and success stories of youth-led initiatives, including grassroots interventions and policy advocacy.

Click here to register

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