Liberia: CDC Complains Boakai

Former President George Weah

The former ruling Coalition for Democratic Change is not happy with the Boakai administration and writes the Speaker, the United States Embassy and other foreign missions near Monrovia, citing alleged violations.

The former ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) accuses the Boakai administration of violating the Liberian Constitution and writes a formal complaint to Speaker Fonati Koffa, the United States Embassy, and other foreign missions near Monrovia.

"We write to bring to your attention and that of the entire membership of the House of Representatives matters of grave national concern pertaining to serious violation of the Liberian constitution and other statutory laws by the Unity Party headed by President Boakai," the CDC says.

Acting national Chairman Attorney Augustine Janga Kowo, in a news conference recently at the CDC headquarters in Oldest Congo, said their attention has been drawn to what he described as matters of grave concern in the country.

He observed that since the Boakai administration's inception on January 22, 2024, a series of actions have clearly violated the constitution, statutory laws, and established protocols.

Chairman Kowo explained that paramount among these disruptive actions by the government is the disregard exhibited to former President George Weah when he was denied access to the VIP Lounge at the Roberts International Airport upon his return to the country in March. He described this as total disregard for the former president.

He also alleged there has been harassment of EPS officers who protected Mr. Weah but are being suspended and declared Absence Without Leave (AWOL).

"Another issue we wish to draw to your attention is the harassment of civil servants and other public sector workers in agencies, commissions, and state-owned enterprises"

He said harassment of public sector workers for political reasons is counterproductive and a clear violation of the Constitution, which guarantees every citizen the right to work and freedom of speech and association.

He warned, "We are calling on the government to desist from harassing perceived supporters of the CDC across the government." He noted that summary dismissal and unwarranted suspension on flimsy grounds are totally unacceptable, inappropriate, and reprehensible.

Chairman Kowo noted that since President Boakai's inauguration, the government has engaged in harassment and attempted dismissal of officials in tenured offices.

According to him, most of the laws regarding tenure offices across the government were created during the twelve-year administration of the UP-led government, during which President Boakai served as vice president and is a signatory to those laws.

He argued that ignoring the security of tenure officials under the statutes contravenes the spirit of good governance and the rule of law.

"Against this backdrop, we call on the national legislature, the United States government, and other foreign missions to seize these matters and commission urgent investigations," he said, advising the executive branch of government to refrain from taking illegal actions.

President Boakai had attempted to replace tenure officials from the former administration of President Weah. Still, the Supreme Court of Liberia placed a hold on the process pending proper interpretation of the law and statute. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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