Togo Renews 'Clear and Continuous' Support for Moroccan Autonomy Plan

United Nations — Togo reaffirmed, in New York, its "clear and continued" support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative, "the compromise solution" to the regional dispute over the Sahara.

"The Togolese delegation renews its clear and continued support for the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative which is, obviously, the compromise solution to this regional dispute, in accordance with international law," underlined Koffi Akakpo, chargé d'affaires at Togo's Permanent Mission to the UN, during the ordinary session of the Committee of 24 (June 10-21).

In this respect, he welcomed the strengthened international dynamic in support of this initiative presented by Morocco in 2007 and deemed as serious and credible in the Security Council's successive resolutions.

The diplomat also hailed the opening of nearly 30 consulates general in Laâyoune and Dakhla by Arab and African countries including Togo, as well as countries from America and Asia. The aim is to strengthen the economic and social opportunities offered by the Moroccan Sahara as a hub of development, stability and influence in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and African regions.

He further praised the socioeconomic development in the southern provinces thanks to the investments and projects implemented within the framework of the new development model.

Launched in 2015, this model has greatly contributed to the empowerment of populations and the improvement of the human development index in the Moroccan Sahara, he said.

The diplomat also commended Morocco's full respect of the ceasefire in the Moroccan Sahara as well as its full and continued cooperation with MINURSO, calling on other parties to do the same.

He again praised Morocco's remarkable achievements in the field of human rights, in particular the strengthening of the role of the regional commissions of the National Human Rights Council in Laâyoune and Dakhla, bilateral cooperation with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, treaty bodies and special procedures of the Human Rights Council.

The representative of Togo also expressed his country's support for the efforts made by the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to the Moroccan Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, aimed at facilitating the relaunch of the political process under the exclusive auspices of the Secretary-General, including the bilateral consultations he held with relevant stakeholders and his field visits.

In this context, he called for the rapid resumption of the round table process, according to the same format and with the same participants, in line with Security Council resolution 2703. The diplomat invited all parties to remain engaged throughout this process with a view to achieving a political, realistic, pragmatic and compromise solution to this regional dispute as requested by the Security Council.

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