Uganda: Security Makes Arrests As March to Parliament Begins

Guards and pedestrians stand outside the entrance to the parliamentary building in Kampala (file photo)

Scores of protesters have been arrested in Kampala as anti-corruption activists started their march to Parliament.

Whereas business remained normal in most parts of the city, in some parts, protesters held placards as they begun to march to the August House.

However, a joint team of the military and Police swung into action arresting scores including former Rubaga South MP contestant and activist, Habib Buwembo, comedian Samuel Okanya, alias Sammy, among others.

It was a busy day for security personnel, as apart from patrolling Kampala streets, they were involved in running after the protesters and making arrests.

Earlier, Police had warned it was ready for the protestors.

"We reiterate our position we shall not tolerate disorderly conduct. We understand, feel and acknowledge the existence of rights of individuals but we have a duty to keep law and order that we can't run away from. We can't delegate or gamble over this duty," Police spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke said.


The protesters have tabled several demands including the resignation of Speaker of Parliament ,Anita Among and the four backbench commissioners , reduction on the number of Ugandan MPs.

A female protester being arrested.The anti-corruption activists also want MPs involved in any corruption scandal to resign but also an audit into the lifestyles of MPs as well as slashing of salaries and allowances of MPs to at most shs3 million.

Police drag feet

Police on Monday said whereas they too are pained by the levels of corruption in the country, they don't agree with the approach of the activists.

According to the law enforcement body, whereas the protesters have a right, it is not absolute.

"It is subject to limitations and our disagreement is along those lines. The exercise of your right to assembly doesn't take away our responsibilities. It doesn't put our responsibilities as police in abeyance but calls upon us to regulate you and when we find you in a situation or framework of planning that is to antagonize peace, we nip you in the bud by undertaking measures to prevent you from doing what we feel are ulterior motives," the police spokesperson said.

He said previously they allowed such protests but have turned out to be chaotic, noting that they cant give chance to this one.

"Organisers are calling people to occupy every street of Kampala. Who on earth can allow such recklessness! Where do you get the right to order everyone you have called to occupy every street? That is an over assumption of your right. Where do you put us who are not you?"

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