Liberia: President Boakai - Cut the Fat or Lose the People--Liberians Demand Action, Not Empathy


President Joseph Boakai, your leadership must not be defined by words or empathy but by decisive actions that address the immediate needs of the Liberian people. The time has come for you to demonstrate real pragmatism. The people who placed their faith in you are no longer content with mere promises--they demand immediate and concrete changes.

The majority of Liberians still live in dire poverty, with many surviving on a paltry $2 a day. Meanwhile, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) continue to waste public resources through bloated, unjustifiable salaries, leaving the rest of the population to languish. This glaring inequality between public officials and the citizens they serve cannot persist. The Liberian people expect more from you--a leader who promised to change the system, not perpetuate it.

We have heard your statements about regulating and capping salaries within SOEs, but words are not enough. Empathy without action is an insult to those who wake up every day struggling to put food on the table. The time for sympathizing is over. The people want decisive, bold action. The ballooning salaries of executives at the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA), National Port Authority (NPA), National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA)--with some earning over US$15,000 monthly--are a gross injustice in a nation where most citizens are barely surviving. This must be addressed immediately.

Mr. President, we cannot afford to have another administration that allows business as usual. The bloated salaries and rampant inefficiencies highlighted by the Bureau of State Enterprises (BSE) report should not have been met with vague promises but with immediate, sweeping reforms. Public trust in your leadership hinges on your ability to address this issue head-on. Now is the time for you to take swift action to slash these obscene salaries, prioritize public funds, and ensure that state-owned enterprises operate with efficiency and transparency.

Accountability starts at the top, Mr. President. You were elected not just to empathize but to lead. Every day of delay erodes the confidence Liberians placed in your administration. The time for excuses is long gone. Concrete reforms must follow, with decisive cuts to unjustifiable salaries, a redirection of resources toward the public good, and strict oversight of SOEs to prevent future abuse.

Liberia cannot continue as one of the most expensive democracies in the world with so little to show for it. Public officials must align their earnings with the economic realities faced by ordinary citizens. Anything less is a betrayal of the Liberian people. You must act now to prevent our country from descending further into financial mismanagement, leaving future generations with an even heavier burden.

President Boakai, where is the bold leadership you promised? Where are the advisors guiding you to make the tough decisions that Liberia desperately needs? Liberia cannot afford another administration that dithers in the face of crisis. You were elected to lead, not to empathize. The time to act is now. Lead Liberia toward a better future with decisive reforms that bring lasting change.

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