On 30 December the National Elections Commission decided to destroy all ballot papers, results sheets, and other election material on Friday, 17 January. The Mais Integridade observer consortium filed an appeal with the Administrative Tribunal last Wednesday (8 January) to try to stop the destruction of documents which contain evidence of fraud.
In the 22 December 2024 approval of the election results, the Constitutional Council (CC) chair Lucia Ribeiro admitted that there had been "irregularities" - that is, fraud - so instead of doing a recount the CC just "corrected" the results. But the CC gave no details of the corrections or irregularities. The Public Integrity Centre (CIP), leader of Mais Integridade, told the Administrative Tribunal that this was improper, and that the destruction of election material must be stopped to allow an audit or recount.
The full CIP statement is on https://www.cipmoz.org/pt/2025/01/14/cip-liderando-o-mais-integridade-submete-recurso-no-tribunal-administrativo-para-impedir-que-cne-destrua-o-material-de-votacao-das-eleicoes-de-9-de-outubro-de-2024/