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GE Africa (Lagos)

World's Largest Powerships Bring Much-Needed Electricity to Ghana

In Ghana "Dumsor" refers to a period of time in which darkness is more prevalent than light, and Ghanaians have been experiencing a lot of it due to the drought, low water levels and other problems affecting the country's powerplants. Coming to the rescue are Karpowerships docked in Tema harbour - they are floating powerstations, which can generate 486 megawatts. GE supplies Karpowerships with transformers which send the power the ships generate over wires to local transmission grids. Read more. More about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING

Karpowership launched the Powership Project in 2007 and supplied the first floating power plant to Iraq in 2010. The Turkish company will send four more ships to Indonesia and an additional vessel to Ghana in 2016 and 2017 to help developing nations solve their power supply issues.


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