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GE Africa (Lagos)

Discussing the Digital Industrial Trend at 'Africa Digital Day'

GE estimates investment in the industrial internet of things (IIoT) is expected to top $60-trillion during the next 15 years. GE customers, partners, global executives and local government representatives gathered at the recent GE Africa Digital Day held in Johannesburg to discuss several topics relating to digitalisation, including cyber security, Sub-Saharan infrastructure required for a digital economy, the implementation of industrial operating system Predix and the digitalisation of electricity. Read more. Find out more about GE in Africa in this BRIEFING

South African Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services Dr Siyabonga Cwele (centre) was among the dignitaries who attended the GE Africa Digital Day.


GE is promoting digitalisation in all its markets, including Africa. This is why the company recently held the GE Africa Digital Day event in Johannesburg.


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