Video Footage Shows 'Executions' in Ethiopia's Tigray Region

Video footage purporting to show the massacre of captives dressed in civilian clothing in Tigray has been investigated by international media groups, which report that the evidence points to Ethiopian federal troops committing war crimes.

In another report in recent days, a New York Times correspondent writes that the war which began in the region last November has been accompanied by atrocities "including widespread sexual assault targeting women." And the Guardian in London reports that a network of sources in Tigray has provided a team at the University of Ghent in Belgium information enabling them to identify nearly 2,000 people killed in more than 150 massacres by soldiers, paramilitaries and insurgents.

On the international front, the foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the U.S. and the European Union have called for "the end of violence" in Tigray and "a clear inclusive political process" leading to "credible elections and a wider national reconciliation process."


As reports of atrocities by fighters emerge in Tigray, women are struggling to feed their families. The World Food Programme provided urgently needed supplies to more than 28,000 more people on March 29.


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