Guinea's Truth Commission Delivers Findings to Interim President

The National Truth and Forgiveness Commission delivered its report on August 24, 2022 to Interim President, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, after hearings in which thousands of Guineans participated. The commission was initiated by Doumbouya, and closed at the end of April, 2022.

The commission, co-led by Monsignor Vincent Koulibaly, Archbishop of Conakry, produced a report with 45 recommendations - among which was that the State take care of the victims of violence during demonstrations, and also provide psychological and material help.

Guinea's government earlier dissolved the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (Front national pour la défense de la Constitution, FNDC), a prominent coalition of Guinean civil society groups and opposition parties. It accused the coalition of organising public armed demonstrations, using violence, inciting hate, and acting like private militias.

Opposition Manifestaions in Conakry 2019 (file photo).


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